
Archive for the 'bits n bobs' Category

Ellie’s World

Saturday, February 9th, 2008 by Susannah

Eloise’s World

Photographs by Eloise (age 3), taken with a Fisher Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera.

(Top to Bottom: Mummy, self portrait, Thomas in Maldon, Pa Pa and friends, Baby Caitlin, Nanny, still life, Daddy, Aunty Kelly, Laurie & Tiny Puppy, Seagull, Abbie, Caitlin, Mummy, Daddy at the hairdresser, Aunty Kel at Tathra, Wiggly Ballet, Aunty Shins)

At least someone here is getting creative…

Sunday, October 1st, 2006 by Susannah

Look at my little poppet. She looks so grown up!

My little painting girl

Wowee, October already and the Christmas decorations are being set up in the shops! Maybe I can get onto my cards early this time instead of the last minute late nighter. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. It’ll be different with a two year old in the house!

I’ve been very busy catching up over —-> here, but I am hopefully having a blogging day tomorrow of my very own! Lots of posts piling up and photos to upload — including my ‘Thrift Challenge’ update and other goodies…

Busy busy, disco macrame!

Thursday, June 1st, 2006 by Susannah

For the past few weeks I have been very busy with work and it’s been hard to find some breathing space (read: blogging time). It’s wonderful that my freelance business is going so well, but fitting in anything else in between Eloise and work is sometimes very difficult.

I have also had family visiting from interstate for the best part of the month. First my little sister who I miss dearly (Kelly you HAVE to start a blog), and then my wonderful folks. We’ve had a brilliant time and Eloise has had an absolute ball getting up to mischief with Aunty Kel and being thoroughly spoiled by Nanny and PaPa. I hate living so far away from them all and yearn for the day we live closer again. Without the internet, instant messenger and ichat I don’t know how we’d survive living so far apart! I am incredibly lucky we get on so well, share interests, love creativie pursuits, love a good coffee and chit chat session, love shopping and hunting down a bargain…the list is long and we often try and cram too much into our visits together. It sure gets tough sometimes without family close and the phone gets a good workout to try and make up for that.

I have a lot of blogging to catch-up on. New images to post, postcard swaps to show and tell, thrifting/op shopping finds galore. It’s great my family enjoy these pursuits. Lots of laughter. We fitted in a LOT of shopping and we encourage each other terribly! My Mum is great at tempting me: ‘You can’t leave it there for 10c!’ she’d say. Hmmmm how else would I have ended up with this…

Disco Macrame

For those interested it was published in 1979 by Gaylemot Publishing.

Corners of my Home

Sunday, March 5th, 2006 by Susannah

Corners of my Home

Inspired by SouleMama and the other participants of the related Flickr group, I thought I might start recording details of our ‘spaces’.

This is a ‘corner’ of our living room. It is almost as far away from the windows as you can get. The giant faux finish wall was there when we moved in four years ago, around the time the ‘feature wall’ hit its peak on the home decor front. I haven’t decided if we’ve warmed to it or if the whole idea of preparing and repainting is just too overwhelming to comprehend. I actually don’t find the colour too offensive even on such a large scale. It’s warm and rich and complements many of my ‘things’. It looks glorious by candlelight!

Top Shelf: Speights Tour wooden box collected on our honeymoon in 2003, Dunedin New Zealand. I am very much into collecting candle holders and picture frames. Candles by The Conscious Candle Company are delicious. Currently burning ‘Bliss’, a blend of rosemary, spicy clove and orange. The small white candle holder on the top of the Speights box has lots of tiny holes and looks magical when lit at night. Small silver frame with a photo of our poppet Eloise at 8months old.

Middle Shelf: Magazine files containing craft, art and computer magazines. Baskets with lids containing misc bits and bobs. (I have a lot of containers like this containing things that don’t have homes yet!)

Bottom Shelf: My LP collection containing many 70’s and 80’s errr….classics? From Abba and Duran Duran to Split Enz and The Police. It’s all here folks!

Sneaking into the bottom left of frame, a comfy beanbag!

I finally made it onto the www…

Saturday, February 4th, 2006 by Susannah

…after all these years of talking about it and procrastinating!

I’m hoping this evolves into something wonderful where I can share artwork, craft, ideas, daily tidbits, things I admire etc. Maybe I will find an appreciative audience, even if it is only my Mum! (Sorry Mum, you know I didn’t mean it like that! You know you’re very important!)

I am certainly enjoying it so far, and am already feeling those creative fires cranking up. I also hope to get involved with swaps and maybe even host a few creative challenges of my own!

I think I have stagefright! It will take me a little while to relax and warm up. I used to enjoy writing so here’s hoping my skills will improve over time and the rust will dissolve. Actually I have been stuck in ’email speak’ for so many years that I am finding it hard not to pepper my prose with too many smiley faces and ‘winks’. Now THAT will be a challenge. I think I also have to cut back on the exclaimation marks!!!! (read: delete 3 exclaimation marks here)

So there we go….Post No.1! Lets see where this online adventure takes me…

  • Featured Gem

    Images like these shouldn't be tossed in an old box under the house! Click the thumbnail above to see the latest image to have found a home in my collection. For more information see the 'featured gem' category.

  • Participate

    Thrift Challenge Thrift Challenge Zine Swap
  • Read

    Big Sister, Little Sister
    Leuyen Pham
    Charming story with gorgeous illustrations and beautifully designed pages.

    Artful Paper Dolls
    Terry Taylor
    'New ways to play with a traditional form'. Very inspiring!
  • Listen

    Little Songs
    David Usher

    Parades and Panoramas
    Dan Zanes