
At least someone here is getting creative…

October 1st, 2006 by Susannah

Look at my little poppet. She looks so grown up!

My little painting girl

Wowee, October already and the Christmas decorations are being set up in the shops! Maybe I can get onto my cards early this time instead of the last minute late nighter. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. It’ll be different with a two year old in the house!

I’ve been very busy catching up over —-> here, but I am hopefully having a blogging day tomorrow of my very own! Lots of posts piling up and photos to upload — including my ‘Thrift Challenge’ update and other goodies…

2 Responses to “At least someone here is getting creative…”

  1. Selena
    October 2nd, 2006 00:59

    I remember how different Christmas was for a one year old and a 2 year old. It’s as different as day and night. That shift in Christmas being all about you and your dh to all about your children is so fascinating. Their joy and excitment is one to treasure. My children are already talking about how Father Christmas will get down the chimney this year. The photos above are beautiful.

  2. pyglet
    October 2nd, 2006 10:55

    She is such a cutie!
    …and that smile 🙂

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