
Archive for the 'family' Category

Ellie’s World

Saturday, February 9th, 2008 by Susannah

Eloise’s World

Photographs by Eloise (age 3), taken with a Fisher Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera.

(Top to Bottom: Mummy, self portrait, Thomas in Maldon, Pa Pa and friends, Baby Caitlin, Nanny, still life, Daddy, Aunty Kelly, Laurie & Tiny Puppy, Seagull, Abbie, Caitlin, Mummy, Daddy at the hairdresser, Aunty Kel at Tathra, Wiggly Ballet, Aunty Shins)

Introducing Caitlin Rose

Thursday, January 31st, 2008 by Susannah

Caitlin Rose 25.1.08

Our lovely Caitlin Rose arrived at 5.58pm, Friday January 25th.
All 9lb 13oz of her!

Such a surreal, overwhelming and incredible experience. I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that she is out and I am home already. I wasn’t due until this week but I was starting to feel like I was going to be pregnant forever!

Eloise is taking it all in her stride. She is beside herself with excitement at being a ‘big sister’ and we’re all settling into life with a newborn in the house. Having a 3 year old serves as a constant reminder that time flies by so very quickly. I can peek into her room in the middle of yet another sleepless night and be reminded that it all turns out okay in the long run…that’s how I aim to keep my sanity this time around anyway!

Checking in!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 by Susannah

Boo! Thought I had better post as I have had a few lovely people email me checking I am ok. Sorry for being so quiet! All is well and I am feeling very happily pregnant (exhausted, heartburn, yuck taste, feeling like a whale!!). We’re very excited about the upcoming arrival but a little nervous as to how quickly this pregnancy has flown! So much to do! (*breath* don’t panic) I am 26weeks this week. 26 weeks already!!!! I am HUGE! From about 20 weeks people have been asking me when I am due and I see the look on their face when I say ‘January’ like they were expecting me to say ‘next week’! Yup I am going for the 10pounder this time. Hmmm.

It’s been a particularly difficult and strange few months and I’ve been a bit lost for words and tongue tied whenever I have come on here. Shortly after my last post we received the awful news that my dear Nanna had passed away. We traveled to Sydney the following week to spend some time with my family and attend her service. We’re quite a small family. Mum is an only child so it’s been very tough for her and I hate being so far away.

My Nanna and Eloise

I am so pleased Nan got to meet Eloise. There are many things in Eloise that are so very Nanna (the red hair is just for starters!). I am also grateful I got to tell her about our little girl arriving early next year. She was delighted. I want to post more about my lovely Nan, but I just don’t have the words right now to fully describe how dear she and my Pa were to me, so I will leave that until another day. I’ve done a lot of thinking these past few months and things seem different. Nan was my last remaining grandparent so it really feels like my childhood has slipped away. That sounds crazy coming from someone of thirty three. I wish I could describe the feeling more eloquently. There’s something special about grandparents that keeps that spark of childhood alive — I am very lucky to have such a plethora of fond memories and a wonderful family to share them with!

Normal programming about to resume…

Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 by Susannah

Here is the reason for my absence! I’m 14 weeks this week. Yipee!

New addition due Feb 2nd 2008

I have been feeling very very VERY ill for a couple of months now….you know…the kind of ill you have that’s meant to be ‘all good’ but stops you doing anything much except the bare essentials?! My poor family. I’ve been pretty useless to be honest! Just hoping it doesn’t set in for the entire journey like it did last time (anyone have a cure for that horrible taste?). Hopefully I will be feeling fab and ‘glowing’ well before February 2nd when our new little GIRL is due!

I am so excited for Eloise. She keeps kissing my belly and talking to ‘her’ baby (all her own initiative!)! Sisters. WOW! So much fun to be had! (Apologies if anyone wanted a surprise…I love knowing in advance and there’s no way I’d be able to keep it a secret for another 6 months!)

I see I am not the only one announcing baby news!!!
Congratulations Nichola, Fiona, and Dana!!

Illustration - Wonder Book Picture Annual 1925

Maths books from hell are over (yay!) and I have a HUGE backlog of emails and a mountain of things to post about that I am working my way through, so hang in there if you’re waiting. I’m not usually so rude! I feel like I’ve been treading water for the last 3 months just to scrape by!

Boy do I have a lot to do before February!

Modern Day Mothers

Sunday, May 13th, 2007 by Susannah

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM! I miss my Mum. We spend a lot of time on the phone and travel interstate regularly….but it’s hardly the same as being able to drop in for a cuppa is it?! 1000kms is just a little bit too far. Thanks to the wonders of technology we do at least have real time video chats at the click of a button. It can’t replace being in the same room but it goes a long way to fill the gap. Eloise has been ‘iChatting’ since she was born and it’s brilliant now that she is talking. It’s not unusual for her to ask if we can ‘talk to Nanny and Pa Pa on the puter’.

Ichattin' to Mum with my girl!

Excuse the dodgeroo pics, they’re screen dumps Mum sent me from a chat we had earlier this week! I like it though. Reminds me of old photo booth photos! Anyway, I hope all you Mums out there enjoy your day!!

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