
Archive for June, 2006

Postcards with wings

Saturday, June 24th, 2006 by Susannah
Postcard Swap June 2006

After thoroughly enjoying Nichola’s last postcard swap I jumped at the chance to join in again. What I hadn’t bargained for was the busiest working month since Eloise was born. Working from home of course has pros and cons as it’s nice to have the extra cash, but horrible horrible HORRIBLE to have no time for myself! With a toddler ruling the roost, working from home really translates to working nights and weekends and I am exhausted! (hopefully this also explains the low level of activity around here). In ten days time I’ll get a breather and a chance to get stuck into some of my own projects and a couple of swaps. I cannot wait! (yes yes yes Sabine I would love to swap!)

Thirteen of these cards are now ‘winging’ their way around the globe! If the last swap was a struggle with glue…this one was a debacle with scissors! Apologies if my ‘cutting out’ is a bit tragic. I blame the fact that I’ve misplaced my ‘good’ scissors and that I was sitting in really bad light, really really late at night (ie. early morning). Maybe they have a more homemade handcrafted look because of it? Hopefully not just bad execution! I used this photo {click here} of a six year old girl taken on June 22nd 1898…108years ago almost to the day. Other ingredients: a mix of vintage and reproduction papers, buttons, eyelets and some 3D foam tape.

Embarrassingly I still haven’t done a ‘public thank you’ for the swap in May. Thanks again to all the lovely and talented girls whose work I was lucky enough to receive, they’ve been on display since the day they were delivered. I love looking at them all together! So inspiring and all so different. Click to view: nikki-shell {postcard:blog}, pyglet whispers {postcard:blog}, Cheeky Beaks {postcard:blog}, Buzzing Bee {postcard:blog}, Kitty Baroque {postcard:blog}, 6.5st {postcard:blog}, Red Instead {postcard:blog}. You can also see more —->here!

The *old* Holly Hobbie

Saturday, June 24th, 2006 by Susannah

Has the birth of my daughter made me super sentimental? Am I trying to relive my childhood? I’ve always had a tiny collection going, but lately it’s been a Holly Hobbie thrift store bonanza. (I’m talking original Holly Hobbie, not the revamped modern Holly Hobbie they’ve just introduced posing in the form of Holly’s Great Grand-daughter.) Maybe a bunch of thirty-somethings are tossing nostalgia out the window and having a big cleanup (lucky me!)!?

Holly Hobbie June 06

My first introduction to Holly Hobbie was when I was three. I ran through the dining room and a small Holly Hobbie porcelain egg that I had been given as a first Easter gift from my Nanna and Papa fell from the hutch and chipped. My parents weren’t strict, but to this day I still remember being told not to run in the house after that incident. The egg still sits on my desk as a warm reminder of my childhood and the first house we lived in.

I have seen a few Holly Hobbie references out in blogland recently, so it’s nice to see I am not alone and that Holly Hobbie holds a special place in many a seventies child’s heart.

Amy at Inspireco talks of a Holly Hobbiesque miniature garden {here}. Oh to have had a Holly Hobbie magazine!!! (Holly Hobbie aside, you really should take a peek at Amy’s beautiful and inspiring blog. *sigh* it is all so so pretty!)

I have a few Holly Hobbie thrifted sheet sets that I am saving for some bags, patches and other sewing adventures with Eloise in mind (that’s a pillow slip behind the doll in the photo above). I recently came across some lovely totes over at Noodles and Doodles that have combined similar fabric with bright girly colours. She’s done a gorgeous job. Very inspiring!

And for some other thrifty Holly Hobbie finds, over at Colorfool she found some Holly Hobbie buttons (check out all the other lovely buttons too!) and at Bella Dia a 1977 tea towel!

There’s so much out there and I’m finding at least a piece a week….so I think I’ll have to get selective…something I have never been very good at!

Little Bo-peep has a Very Tiny Sheep…

Saturday, June 24th, 2006 by Susannah

Featured Gem 6

Featured Gem 6
Real Photo Postcard

‘Little Bo-peep has a Very Tiny Sheep’

Date: 19th October 1907
People: Unidentified
Postcard Back: My Dear Boy Blue, Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and hope you will not be rushed with work tomorrow, with love from Bo-peep. Addressed to: Mr Boy Blue, 98 Hope Street Brunswick, Victoria.

Notes: One from my collection of fancy dress costume photographs. Young Bo-peeps costume is fabulously detailed but I think the thing I like most is the very small sheep. How absurdly out of scale!

I wonder if she was in costume for a reason. It may have just been a novelty photo…but she could have been off to a fancy dress ball or something equally exciting!

I think I am a bit of a stickybeak. I enjoy reading and collecting old letters, diaries and postcards. Not only is the language often beautiful or indicative of the era, but the handwriting is often elegant and is such a dying art form these days. Even on this simple postcard, the flourishes of the uppercase letters are just lovely. (especially the D and W)

Featured Gem 6 - Back

Don’t you just love the message? I like the way she has underlined her ‘name’. I wonder if ‘Little Bo-peep’ and ‘Boy Blue’ ended up happily ever after? I love messages laced with romance and intrigue!

Twentynine years on…

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006 by Susannah

Busy busy, disco macrame!

Thursday, June 1st, 2006 by Susannah

For the past few weeks I have been very busy with work and it’s been hard to find some breathing space (read: blogging time). It’s wonderful that my freelance business is going so well, but fitting in anything else in between Eloise and work is sometimes very difficult.

I have also had family visiting from interstate for the best part of the month. First my little sister who I miss dearly (Kelly you HAVE to start a blog), and then my wonderful folks. We’ve had a brilliant time and Eloise has had an absolute ball getting up to mischief with Aunty Kel and being thoroughly spoiled by Nanny and PaPa. I hate living so far away from them all and yearn for the day we live closer again. Without the internet, instant messenger and ichat I don’t know how we’d survive living so far apart! I am incredibly lucky we get on so well, share interests, love creativie pursuits, love a good coffee and chit chat session, love shopping and hunting down a bargain…the list is long and we often try and cram too much into our visits together. It sure gets tough sometimes without family close and the phone gets a good workout to try and make up for that.

I have a lot of blogging to catch-up on. New images to post, postcard swaps to show and tell, thrifting/op shopping finds galore. It’s great my family enjoy these pursuits. Lots of laughter. We fitted in a LOT of shopping and we encourage each other terribly! My Mum is great at tempting me: ‘You can’t leave it there for 10c!’ she’d say. Hmmmm how else would I have ended up with this…

Disco Macrame

For those interested it was published in 1979 by Gaylemot Publishing.

  • Featured Gem

    Images like these shouldn't be tossed in an old box under the house! Click the thumbnail above to see the latest image to have found a home in my collection. For more information see the 'featured gem' category.

  • Participate

    Thrift Challenge Thrift Challenge Zine Swap
  • Read

    Big Sister, Little Sister
    Leuyen Pham
    Charming story with gorgeous illustrations and beautifully designed pages.

    Artful Paper Dolls
    Terry Taylor
    'New ways to play with a traditional form'. Very inspiring!
  • Listen

    Little Songs
    David Usher

    Parades and Panoramas
    Dan Zanes