
Archive for October, 2006

Article 25

Monday, October 30th, 2006 by Susannah
Article 25 - Calendar illustration

A couple of weeks ago a friend asked if I would like to contribute an illustration to a calendar she was producing as a fundraiser for the ASRC (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre). I jumped at the chance! It really is such a worthy cause.

Each image in the calendar illustrates an article from the International Declaration of Human Rights, and highlights one of the ASRC’s programmes. The calendar features the work of some wonderful illustrators and artists including Judy Horacek, Terry Denton, Ann Howie, Greg Mallyon, Andrew Weldon, Kate Durham and more! I feel like a bit of a fraud sneaking in amongst such fine company!

If you are interested in purchasing a calendar they will be available online through Readings at the beginning of next month. $10 from the proceeds of each calendar will go directly to the ASRC.

Clowning Around

Friday, October 27th, 2006 by Susannah

Featured Gem 9

Featured Gem 9
Real Photo Postcard

‘Clowning Around’

Date: Unspecified
People: Unidentified
Studio: Unidentified
Postcard Back: Blank

Notes: Clown/Pierrot and carnival costumes are another favourite theme of mine, so I was excited to find this wonderful ‘gem’ whilst scouring a toy fair with my sister. I know very little about the image as there are absolutely no identifying markings! It appears to have been kept safely in an album for many years (yellowing in the bottom left). It is in lovely condition!

I do love the detail of this costume and the pose is perfect.
Just check out that wig!!

Thrift Challenge Update — Part 2

Monday, October 2nd, 2006 by Susannah

Thrift Challenge Sept06

I found these cups (?) in my local op-shop on the last day of September and I think they’re my favourite find this month (besides the ‘Weldon’s Fancy Dress’ magazine of course!).

Thrift Challenge Sept06

Thrift Challenge Sept06Discovered last week: Board game ‘Crosshand Poker’ with tiles like scrabble, owl motif pottery cups (can’t read the markings underneath), vintage tin coffee canister, small dish with delicate green edges (marked Pareek, Johnson Bros, England), 1970’s pewter figures, porcelain orange owl (candle holder/cover missing base?), kitchen canister with butterfly and flower motif. Also a nice little button haul. Not as good as these, but a nice addition!

So that’s it for my month! I must say Selena’s $99 dollar Thrift Challenge was a wonderful excuse to go op-shopping! Check out all the other thrifty finds in the flickr group.

Thrift Challenge Update — Part 1

Monday, October 2nd, 2006 by Susannah

Thrift Challenge Sept06

Ohhhhh how excited was I when I found these in amongst the patterns in my local op-shop!?? Those of you who are familiar with my blog are probably aware by now that I love collecting vintage imagery of fancy dress costumes (like this)…so yes…I was just a wee bit giddy to find three vintage fancy dress guides! The ‘Weldon’s Fancy Dress’ is a bit tattered and I think it’s missing a few pages…but for 60c I don’t care! Just look inside…

Thrift Challenge Sept06

I did buy a lot of sewing patterns as well, including some great Weigel’s patterns (they have the best illustrations on the front) and various craft orientated patterns including dolls, doll clothes, Christmas crafts and Easter crafts. I also scored an Enid Gilchrist ‘Toddler Clothes‘ pattern book!

During September I collected the books below from various op-shops. Some for their ideas/content and some for the illustrations.

Thrift Challenge Sept06

What Can I Do Today?‘ by Linda Nichol, 1973. ‘Over 100 projects for girls 6-12’

Daily Sketch Modern Girls Annual‘ with articles such as ‘Breeding Budgerigars for Pocket-Money’!

The Sleeping Beauty‘ Illustrated by Arthur Rackham, Told by C.S.Evans. (New edition 1987. Original edition 1920) Gorgeous silhouette illustrations.

Our Favourite Story Book‘ 1940s or 50s. Illos such as this and the price tag made it find it’s way into my basket…

May I Bring a Friend‘ (orange cover/no dust jacket) by de Regniers/Montresor 1964. Lovely graphic black line illustrations and strong flat colour.

The Children’s Party and Games Book‘ compiled by Joyce Nicholson, 1979.

Children’s Parties‘ by Tessa Webb, 1973

Educational Origami‘ (no imprint/publisher/details available) Very simple graphic instructions.

Colourcraft‘, 1976 (red cover, no dust jacket) — Various crafts including pet rocks, fabric painting and other decorative ideas .

Woollen Dolls‘ by Madeleine Banier, 1974. ‘Knit them, crochet them, make them from skeins!’ This amused me, as did the ‘wedding dress’!

More September Thrift Challenge to follow…

At least someone here is getting creative…

Sunday, October 1st, 2006 by Susannah

Look at my little poppet. She looks so grown up!

My little painting girl

Wowee, October already and the Christmas decorations are being set up in the shops! Maybe I can get onto my cards early this time instead of the last minute late nighter. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. It’ll be different with a two year old in the house!

I’ve been very busy catching up over —-> here, but I am hopefully having a blogging day tomorrow of my very own! Lots of posts piling up and photos to upload — including my ‘Thrift Challenge’ update and other goodies…

  • Featured Gem

    Images like these shouldn't be tossed in an old box under the house! Click the thumbnail above to see the latest image to have found a home in my collection. For more information see the 'featured gem' category.

  • Participate

    Thrift Challenge Thrift Challenge Zine Swap
  • Read

    Big Sister, Little Sister
    Leuyen Pham
    Charming story with gorgeous illustrations and beautifully designed pages.

    Artful Paper Dolls
    Terry Taylor
    'New ways to play with a traditional form'. Very inspiring!
  • Listen

    Little Songs
    David Usher

    Parades and Panoramas
    Dan Zanes